Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Mangokal Holi di Tanah Karo


Preparation: The family gather at the burial ground of their ancestor, located on a hill overlooking their village
Keluarga berkumpul diatas bukit yang menghadap Desa

The dig begins: Men, women and young children gather around the graveside as they start to exhume the bones
 Penggalian dimulai: Pria, wanita dan anak-anak berkumpul di sekitar makam saat mereka mulai menggali tulang

Past uncovered: The remains are wrapped in cloth upon burial in order to ease the ritual
 Setelah  ditemukan: Tulang dibungkus kain pada upacara pemakaman untuk memudahkan ritual

Duty: The skeleton is carefully teased from its wrappings and placed to one side before it is washed
  Kerangka dengan hati-hati disentuh dari bungkusnya dan ditempatkan ke satu sisi sebelum dicuci

Sacred: The Karo Batak people of Indonesia perform the ritual as an act of love and respect for their deceased family members
Readied: A male member of the family holds up the clean skull of his ancestor before it is dried and put in a casket
Suci: The Karo Batak rakyat Indonesia melakukan ritual sebagai tindakan cinta dan menghormati anggota keluarga almarhum mereka. Mereka lembut membersihkan tulang dengan kuas sebelum mereka ditempatkan 

In honour: Although it may appear a gruesome tradition to Western eyes, it is considered sacred and is done to raise the status of an ancestor who has been buried a long time
  Meskipun mungkin tampak tradisi tsb mengerikan mata Barat, hal itu dilakukan semata-mata untuk menghormati untuk menaikkan status leluhur yang telah terkubur lama

Ritual: Family members perform the sacred exhumating and washing of a relative's body in Indonesia
Ritual: Family members perform the sacred exhumating and washing of a relative's body in Indonesia

Thorough job: The cleansing ceremony is done in a particular sequence which follows century-long traditions
Pekerjaan yang menyeluruh: Upacara pembersihan dilakukan dalam urutan tertentu yang mengikuti tradisi lama

Elder respect: These particular remains are of an ancestral grandfather and will be particularly revered among the Karo Batak tribe
Properly cleansed: Each part gets washed and dried - even the ancestor's fake teeth
Penatua hormat: Keturunan dari leluhur  yang dihormati membersihkan semua peninggalan termasuk gigi palsu  Setiap bagian akan dicuci dan dikeringkan - bahkan gigi palsu nenek moyang
According to tradition: After the cleansing, seen far right, the bones are dried on a towel before placed in the casket, left
Menurut tradisi: Setelah pembersihan, terlihat paling kanan, tulang dikeringkan dengan handuk sebelum ditempatkan dalam peti mati, meninggalkan

After a cleaning and bathing with special water, the bones are ritually stacked in a crate and prayers are recited
Skeleton that has been compiled neatly in the box is ready to enter new skull house (geritan)
Setelah pembersihan dan mandi dengan air khusus, tulang ritual ditumpuk dalam peti dan doa dibacakan

Put to rest: When the bones have been placed in the wooden crate, a ritual concoction of herbs, lime, coconut water and spices is applied
  Bila tulang telah ditempatkan dalam peti kayu, ramuan ritual herbal, jeruk nipis, air kelapa dan rempah-rempah diterapkan

Holy house: The 'geritan', or skull house, is build specifically for the ancestor and is located at the highest point of the hill where the Karo
  'geritan', atau rumah tengkorak, adalah bangunan khusus untuk leluhur dan terletak di titik tertinggi dari bukit , suku Karo percaya Orang mati dapat memeberi kekuatan atas tanah

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